Revolutionizing Talent Management

Attract and retain the best talent for your team! With Re:benefit, your employees can choose their preferred benefits themselves, creating the perfect package, without unnecessary administration.

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Тhe advantage of choosing

With Re:benefit platform everyone has their own personal benefits package, created according to their personal needs and interests which can be managed in a flexible way (on a monthly basis or when needed). 

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Benefits that Fit

Over 60 vendors are now part of Re:benefit offering their services and products to employees. Every user can spend their benefits budget for a great variety of offerings such as wellness & sport, shopping, travel, charity, and many more. 

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Тhe advantage of choosing

Changing the way we care about our employee. Вe facilitate the administration of benefits, create flexibility and we allow everyone to get what they value most

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Тhe advantage of choosing

Changing the way we care about our employee. Вe facilitate the administration of benefits, create flexibility and we allow everyone to get what they value most

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Тhe advantage of choosing

Changing the way we care about our employee. Вe facilitate the administration of benefits, create flexibility and we allow everyone to get what they value most

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All-In-One Solutions

We know talents are a key asset for your business. We offer an innovative approach to help you engage and motivate them in the most effective way and to turn you into an employer of choice.

Re:benefit is a revolution in benefits management on the Bulgarian market and stands out with flexibility, ease of work, and a strong potential for upgrade of packages and functionalities for even higher employee engagement rates. 


Re:benefit changes and upgrades the traditional model implemented by employers to reward their talents. In addition, it simplifies the tasks of companies and HR teams while adding a great deal of value to their work through a variety of perks. 

Our latest news

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Health, Sports, Food, Transport: Top Employee Benefits in Q1 2023.

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Как помага Re:benefit?

Re:Benefit е първата иновативна платформа за управление на гъвкави социални придобивки на българския пазар. Нашият

Кои са петте стъпки към успешна стратегия за предоставяне на социални придобивки?

Ако се питате кои са характеристиките на успешната стратегия за предоставяне на социални придобивки, отговорите

Кои са най-важните тенденции на пазара за социални придобивки и какво да очакваме през 2023 година?

Ние от Re:Benefit сме ангажирани с това да предоставим възможно най-добрия пакет от социални придобивки

Как социалните придобивки еволюират в условията на четвъртата индустриална революция?

В началото на 2023г. сме свидетели на безпрецедентна технологично развитие, която т.нар. Четвърта индустриална революция,

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